
Interpretation: on-site or on-phone?

Phone Interpretation Service Companies that need interpretation services often request the interpreter to be available on-site without knowing that there is another option. Successful interpretation can also be performed over the phone. Doing over the phone interpretation can save companies time and…

Internal review of a translation

Partnering with a translation company If you’re looking to do business in another country, it will be vital to have some of your content translated or localized.  Partnering with a translation company such as EPIC Translations can be very beneficial…

Machine Translations: Two Approaches

Human translators quite often wonder why would anyone use machine translations?  Larger companies quite often wonder why can’t machine translations be made better?   As simple as this sounds, we can not underestimate the complexities involved when deciding which option…

Benefits of outsourcing your translation needs

Benefits of outsourcing your translation needs To Translation Companies Consider the following scenarios: Does your company have operations in multiple countries? Does your company have patents that you’d like to file in other countries? Does your company outsource manufacturing to other…

Case for local content creation

Companies that wanted to expand to other countries not only exported their products and services, but also their managerial human resources. This practice provided a sense of assurance that corporate policies of virtually all areas of business such as customer service,…

Translation: The Key to Global Patent Protection

Patent Translation: The Key to Global Patent Protection The patent industry is becoming increasingly globalized and therefore, the need for a highly qualified patent translation company is greater now than ever before. The evolution of the internet and its widespread…

The Need for Linguistic Services

The Need For Translation Service The global economy is a vast connection of suppliers and buyers.  While this is a very high level view of the global economy, this explanation holds a lot of truth. Virtually every industry exists because…

Educating Clients Prevents Post-Translation Problems

As translation providers, we all know the importance of listening to our clients to make sure we are serving their best interests, but many companies leave out the vital step of educating clients about the translation industry and how our…

What Do Translation Memories Mean For Your Business

What Do Translation Memories Mean For Your Business The advent of technologies enabling the recording of translation patterns for later use (translation memories) can be a definite benefit for all parties involved. For the Client, future projects can be made…

Four types of quality assurance for translators

Linguistic Quality Assurance One way to make the concept of quality easier to deal with for linguists, is to divide it up into four parts: administrative quality, linguistic quality, business quality and cultural quality. International quality standards focus mostly on…