Small Translation Companies

The first advantage of working with a small translation company, like EPIC Translations, is that you have the most direct experience. We connect you directly to a translator and a reviewer who will work on your project personally. A small translation company does not outsource your project to yet another translation service provider like larger companies do.

Advantages Of Small Translation Company

Another advantage to working with a small company is that you get a more intimate experience. You work directly with our project manager, who handles your project on her own. There is a much shorter chain of command to go through to reach a translator, eliminating more possibilities for human error. At EPIC Translations, we give the clients frequent updates on the status of your project, so you’re not left wondering if your work is being neglected until the last minute.

Lastly, a smaller company values your business more than a large translation service provider. Here at EPIC, we will go above and beyond the minimum stipulations of a project to assure that our client is pleased with the results. Give us all call and experience all the benefits of a small translation company.

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