ExporTechTM, the national export assistance program that helps companies accelerate their growth in global markets, is returning to Michigan February 2nd. It is a structured export strategy and business development process that assists 4-8 companies over an 8-week period to develop written export plans and connect with a wide range of experts to catalyze export growth.
DATES: February 2, March 2, March 30, 2018.
LOCATION: Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, The Guardian Building, 500 Griswold Street, Detroit, MI 48226
FEE: $1,200 * Grant money is available from Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) to cover 50% of the registration fee, lowering the cost to $600 for qualifying companies.
ExporTech™ Program Highlights:
- Only national program that leads to a strategic export growth plan for each company
- Intensive, structured process with workshops, planning tools, and individual coaching
- Designed for manufacturing and technology company executives
- Connect to a wide range of local and national export resources
- Peer group model – drives accountability, action, learning, networking
- Proven results – click here for details.
Preferred Profile for Program Candidates:
- Manufacturers are preferred.
- Experienced exporters are preferred – we don’t usually accept a company with zero exports.
- There may be exceptions to preference for experienced exporters, for breakthrough technologies.
- Good match is an experienced exporter that is currently a “reactive” exporter, who wants to take it to the next level with a defined global export strategy.
We are looking for top management involvement – to be sure there is follow-through – President or VP level preferred.
The program is not limited to companies located in Detroit.
Please email completed application to Eve Lerman, eve.lerman@trade.gov and Sandra Choi, schoi@degc.org
To learn more about ExporTech™ click here.
For questions please contact: Eve Lerman, 248-975-9605 or Sandra Choi, 313-237-4623