Why select EPIC Translations as your LSP?

Select EPIC Translations As Your Language Service Provider

Remember the age-old story of the Tower of Babel? According to it, people used to speak one universal language until they were punished by suddenly speaking in different tongues. Hence, the difficulty we now have of understanding each other when each one is speaking his or her native speech. If you’ve tried going on a trip to a country where everything sounds strange, you’ll know exactly how frustrating this can sometimes be. And this is true for language both in the spoken and written form. It’s quite hard for communication to happen when you have a document in Italian and the person who is supposed to read it only knows English or Spanish.

Best Document Translation Services

Like the story mentioned above, we at EPIC Translations provide equally epic services in document translation. Our company believes that while the various languages of the world are unique in their own right, these differences should create no barrier to effective communication. To this end, we offer the best document translation services to ensure that you won’t have to struggle with attempting to read words you’re not familiar with.

EPIC Translations knows that time is no man’s friend. In this modern world where everything is fast-paced and instant gratification is the demand, we provide unparalleled translation services that meet our client’s time constraints. We know that the success of businesses hinges on certain requirements, and we are up to the task of filling them. We have consistently met deadlines set by customers and continue to give the utmost dedication to others that seek our expertise. In fact, our confidence in conveying order on time is seen in our Deadline Guarantee, an offer unique to EPIC Translations.

We have a team of highly specialized professionals to perform all language translation services of all kinds, be it for technical translation or documents in other industries. These translators have the necessary experience and skill for delivering complete and accurate content to our customers. We offer document translation in the following languages: English, Arabic, Italian, Chinese, Russian, Hindi, Thai, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean and African languages.

Task Life Cycle

EPIC Translations uses a Task Life Cycle (TLC) in order to perform quality professional translation services. Using a 3-person team, we follow certain steps that involve project management, editing and strict proofreading to make sure that translation has been rendered well. In addition, we have an internal tracking system to monitor progress in all document translation projects, likewise allowing us to link clients and translators from different locations around the world. This system helps us to tailor-make translation services to your specifications for more effective document translation.

Knowing the value of communicating properly, we at EPIC Translations guarantee to keep you informed of how your project is going every step of the way. You can log onto our website as a customer to check on updates regarding the translation services you want us to do. Unlike other companies, you won’t have to keep wondering if your document is going to be delivered soon or continue doubting the authenticity of your translator.

EPIC Translations has been doing business with customers globally, and have a roster of contented clients who have seen first-hand what we can do. We offer our translation services at the most competitive prices in the shortest time possible and can reduce your total costs with software that creates translation memories. This means you won’t have to keep getting a certain document translated several times over. In addition, we have strict confidentiality clauses to protect your company’s privacy and document content; we never give out our customers’ information to other parties.

So come to us for your needs in translation services! We have an easy quote box for you to let us know in the quickest time just what it is you want. By filling in the form, you’ll be well on your way to receiving best document translation services that are sure to satisfy you!

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