Using TMs for Your Translation

Using Translation Memory for Your Translation

One very beneficial aspect of working repeatedly with the same translation service provider, such as EPIC Translations, is that we employ the use of TMs when working on your translation. A TM is a translation memory. This means that when your document is uploaded to translation software and properly translated the first time, the software will save sentences, phrases and certain words so that the next time you have a document to be translated, those TMs are already in our database and do not need to be translated again.

Using a software that employs TMs is extremely time efficient, as it allows your human translator to skip over common phrases used in your translations, such as medical or legal terminology.

When using translation software, the translator comes to a phrase and the system searches for the segment in its database for the similar source text. The system presents to the translator exact matches and fuzzy matches. An exact match is just as it sounds, with no differences between the text in your document and the text in the database. A fuzzy match brings up similar options and allows the translator to choose whether any of the options are acceptable or whether they wish to translate the phrase on their own.

Benefit of Using The Translation Software With Translation Memory

Using translation software that employs TMs allows the translation process to move much more quickly, assuring that you get your translation work completed in a timely fashion. It also eliminates more human error, creating a better quality translation. EPIC translators are all proficient in the use of translation software and employing TMs. Make sure your translation is done quickly and correctly by calling us today.

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